People Notice The Value Of Utility

People who give financial advice can tell you all about BTC, and that's wonderful. The planet needs a place to store value, and maybe BTC is great at that. I don't care about that conversation. Let's talk business.

The planet is starting to catch on to the utility of cryptocurrencies beyond Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). People are starting to learn that there are digital currencies that work fantastically for online commerce. And they like using them. A lot.

These surges come and go in waves. There is a lot of controversy throughout crypto, and the day-to-day is pretty wild as a result of that. Cases and stories like Sam Bankman-Fried don't help.

Some solutions, however, are finding their way. And they're doing great. All of this excitement you're seeing people catch up to today is the reason we accept currencies like Bitcoin SV with more coming soon.

There was apparently some news in the Craig Wright and COPA legal sphere today, and that news drove a lot of market emotion with people (mostly in Korea) acquiring a lot of Bitcoin SV. The coin realized over a 50% gain in value in a 24-hour period as people rushed to trade in their native FIAT currencies for the digital cryptocurrency.

Ordinals and contracts and other advanced uses aside (such as storing all the JPEGs), Bitcoin SV remains a solid choice for online commerce as a valid payment method. Payment notifications are instant, transfers confirm fast, and the fees are incredibly low. Bitcoin SV (BSV) works for business today and we're proud to offer it as a payment method at and other DTP online properties to come.

For those who are catching up, Millions of daily transactions are now the norm on BSV does a great job explaining why BSV has the utility that BTC lacks and why BSV is able to deliver transfers with such low fees. It's all about the block size, and BSV's are huge. This allows many transactions to be processed at once for one cost, thus (dramatically) reducing the cost to each transaction.

The key in COPA v. Wright is a good read that helps explain some of the emotion we saw today.

That's a summary for why BSV works for business and BTC works for storing value and investing. We focus on business, commerce and utility here.

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I don't and won't cheat to win, and I am allergic to those who do. I instead do everything the hard way because it's more fun. You play games on [difficulty level]. I made the game.


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