Bitcoin SV As Money

Setting all Craig Wright and "BTC vs. BSV drama" aside because I don't do drama. Let's instead have a look at using BSV as money online.

BSV is a remarkably usable currency. None of its numbers or facts are scary. Normal people can still buy a whole coin, and I actually hope it stays that way. Because what fees? And, it's still spreading and catching on. We are still in the early days of that.

Fact is: BSV is actually a currency. It's a usable digital currency. You can use it like money, it's instant, and it works. It's an available path forward for de-platformed business today, and it's only gotten better at what it does over time.

I don't care at all about the day-to-day value of BSV or trying to earn a profit on the movement of that value or HODLing to the moon. I ignore all of that. I am not an investor. This is not investment or financial advice.

I only care that it works for moving money from where it is to where it wants to be. It does that.

Ways To Use Bitcoin SV

HandCash refers to BSV as "streaming money" - which means they've optimized their service around the big-block optimizations provided by BSV to enable high-frequency/low-amount transactions. For the first time with browser- and planet-scale functionality that works, people finally have a way to send something like a fifty-cent tip to a streamer. And it makes sense!

How are you supposed to send a fifty-cent tip to a streamer using Bitcoin (BTC) when a transfer can cost $50? On what actual planet in which solar system does that even make sense? It doesn't. And it's okay to admit that. We did.

And now, Shing has an excellent tipping system. And, because there are no fees and direct transfers are possible, you are directly tipping the streamer. They keep 100% of your tip. Shing adds a fifty-cent fee, and that is how you help fund the continued development and operation of the platform! This works for everyone. You can tip a streamer $2, give the platform fifty cents, and not pay an entire penny in fees to send both transfers. And the transfers are instant.

You can also use BSV to pay when upgrading your membership at Shing and when making other purchases around the site including boosting actions and more. We call it the Internet Fun Money wallet. You put $10 in it, and go have fun online for an evening. And the people who've tried it thus far universally loved it. We have not received negative feedback about the use of Bitcoin SV or the HandCash wallet in about a year of operation.

Ways to Get BSV

Because it is massively useful as an online currency that cuts "Big Banking" out of the loop, Bitcoin SV is almost always under some form of attack by the jews who run those banks and online payment services. They enjoy collecting their payment transaction fees, interest fees, and all the fees. Bitcoin SV eliminates fees as much as possible. And that is in direct conflict with the interests of massive jewish banks.

One place to purchase BSV today is They have a larger minimum purchase than I'd like to see that can be over USD$50. But, they are a working exchange and can deliver your BSV directly to the HandCash wallet and others.

Another solution is to use whatever exhange(s) you are on to buy a currency that can swap to BSV for you. Changelly can accept a transfer of almost any currency, and swap it to BSV for you. It will then deliver the BSV to the wallet address of your choice. uses the HandCash wallet to enable quick and easy payments. They normally provide what they call a "top-up" service that lets you buy small amounts of BSV to put into your wallet. They are in the process of upgrading that service to enhance its functionality. Watch this space for an update when they get top-up working again.


  • I don't benefit from you buying, holding, or investing in BitcoinSV.
  • I only benefit when you choose to use it to pay for things on my websites.
  • I have no interests in you "investing in" or "holding" BSV.
  • I do have an interest in you using it as money on my websites.
  • Shing's monetized streamers benefit from you using BSV.

I do not recommend exchanges because I don't want my name near any of them. Period. I do not recommend investing in anything (crypto or otherwise). I do not give financial advice.

I am a computer programmer who runs a business in a different and very strict way to benefit my people first. I am not a financial analyst, banker, investment broker, etc. I'm also not a propagandist or a "marketing professional" at all.

Post author

I don't and won't cheat to win, and I am allergic to those who do. I instead do everything the hard way because it's more fun. You play games on [difficulty level]. I made the game.


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